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Minerva DDx is a next-gen diagnostic tool

With EHR integration to provide diagnostic guidance with a single click. Minerva DDx is the future of healthcare.

Astro Odyssee


For healthcare professionals patient care should be the top priority, we streamline the diagnostic process to help you do what you do best.


As healthcare becomes increasingly digitized, there are a lack of solutions which effectively leverage this expansion of data.

Why now?

As healthcare becomes increasingly digitized, there are a lack of solutions which effectively leverage this expansion of data and address common pain points.

What we do:

Improve patient outcomes

  • AI-backed diagnostic support software that minimizes time spent to diagnosis
  • Minimize errors in diagnosis or negative responses to treatment

Improve use of healthcare resources

  • Data for improved efficiency in use of healthcare resources
  • Tools for tracking specific KPIs of your institution

Enhance productivity

  • Seamless integration with work processes of physicians
  • Streamline workflow to for more efficient use of physician time
  • Effortless communication in team based care
Astro Odyssey

Shape the future of Healthcare

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